Does Scoot have mobile check-in?
No, Scoot does not offer mobile check-in.
Does Scoot offer online check-in?
No, Scoot does not offer online check-in.
How much time should I allot at the airport for check-in?
Check-in desks open 3 hours before flight departure. If you arrive at the airport earlier than that, you can check your baggage in before the check-in desks open and relieve yourself of the hassle of lugging your suitcases around. Early check-in is available at Changi Airport's Terminal 2 for guests whose flights are departing up to 3am the next day.
Please be at the airport early to avoid missing your flight. Scoot recommends that you be at the airport at least ninety (90) minutes before departure time. Please factor in all possible sources of delay (e.g. traffic congestion, etc.).