Does Iberia have online check-in?
Yes, Iberia allows you to check-in up to 24 hours before your flight departs.
Check-in now for your Iberia flight.
Check-in now for your LEVEL flight.
What are the requirements for using online check-in?
- Your ticket must be electronic (ETKT).
- Only flights operated by Iberia.
- Only for flights operated within 24 hours.
Make sure you leave enough time at the airport to get through security, check your bags, etc.
Can I check-in online if I have bags to check?
Yes, just drop your bags of at the Iberia check-in counter or bag-drop at the airport.
Can I change/select my seat when checking in online?
Yes, when you use Flight Check-in you can change or select your seat.
If I plan to check in at the airport, how much time should I allot?
- If you are checking bags, Iberia recommends you check in at least 90 minutes before your flight's departure time.
- If you are not checking bags, Iberia recommends you check in at least 60 minutes before your flight's departure time.