Domestic Check-In
Up to 1 hour before departure, you need to complete booking including seat selection, baggage and payment. No gate check-in or transit desk check-in is possible for Peach customers. Bring a printed copy of your itinerary or your booking number to the airport. Please complete check-in with our kiosks between 90 minutes and 30 minutes before the scheduled departure, as check-in closes strictly 30 minutes before the scheduled departure. Once checked-in, go to the checked baggage counter if you have baggage to check-in. The fee for checked baggage is already included in some fare types. For the first departing flights from Kansai International Airport, check-in is open at 5:30 am until 25 minutes prior to the departure. Please come to the departure gate no later than 20 minutes prior to departure.
International Check-In
Before check-in, you need to complete booking including seat selection and payment. Please make sure you bring your printed itinerary, passport, and Visa (depending on your destination). Please complete check-in between an hour or two before the scheduled departure time. If you need special assistance, please call Peach Airlines' contact center in advance and come to their check-in counter at least 80min before the scheduled departure time. Automated check-in kiosks are available only at Kansai Airport. Please go to Peach Airlines' check-in counter at other airports. Please check your baggage 50min before departure time. A fee is charged for checked baggage. Please come to the gate 25min before the scheduled departure time.